

秋吉尼瑪仁波切(Choyi Nyima Rinpoche)乃噶舉傳承中一位大成就的上師,1951年生於西藏貴族奘薩(Tsangsar)家庭中。他是第十六世大寶法王根本上師、被譽為「眾師之師」的著名大圓滿成就者──祖古烏金仁波切的長子。由於血緣關係,他與乃父都是19世紀西藏其中一位最卓著的寧瑪派取藏者──秋吉林巴(Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa,大伏藏師殊勝洲尊者)的直系繼承人,持有「秋林新伏藏」的家族傳承。

秋吉尼瑪仁波切被第十六世大寶法王認證為龍樹菩薩所化身的止貢噶舉大成就者──噶竹千(Gar Drubchen)的第七次轉世,小時候於其前生位於中藏那曲地區的寺院──「仲貢土丹達傑林」(Drong Gon Thubten Dargye Ling,仲寺聖教興隆洲)坐床,成為該寺500位僧人的上師。

承蒙大寶法王關顧,仁波切13歲進入隆德寺(Rumtek Monastery,大寶法王在錫金的法座),追隨眾多噶舉派及寧瑪派的偉大上師修學。20歲前,已獲得堪布(佛學博士)學位。

1974年,他離開隆德寺,與父親烏金仁波切、弟弟則吉秋林仁波切,到尼泊爾建立噶寧謝竹林(Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling,噶舉寧瑪講修洲)。當第十六世大寶法王來為寺院開光後,任命秋吉尼瑪仁波切為該寺住持。




仁波切是加德滿都「自生智慧(Rangjung Yeshe)高級佛學院」的創辦人,遍佈全球的「法舍」(Dharma House)道場與「禪院」(Gomde)閉關中心的精神導師;他還創立了法輪出版社(Dharmachakra Publishers),製作了眾多學術譯著;發起了「法日」(Dharmasun)線上廣播學佛項目,每逢週六早上主持備受注目的演講。同一時間,他仍繼續管理尼泊爾的噶寧謝竹林及其所屬的男眾、女眾寺院。

秋吉尼瑪仁波切(左)與弟弟──竹巴噶舉的重要上師Tsoknyi Rinpoche(中),以及姪兒──達隆噶舉法主Phakchok Rinpoche(右)
秋吉尼瑪仁波切(左)與弟弟──竹巴噶舉的重要上師Tsoknyi Rinpoche(中),以及姪兒──達隆噶舉法主Phakchok Rinpoche(右)

Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche is an accomplished high Lama of the Kagyu tradition born into the distinguished Tsangsar family of Tibet in 1951. He is the first-born son of the “guru of gurus,” the celebrated dzogchen master H.E. Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche who was root-guru to the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa. By bloodline, both father and son are the direct descendants of one of the most outstanding Nyingma treasure-finders of 19th century Tibet, Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa, and thus uphold the family lineage of the Chokling Tersar.

Recognized as the 7th reincarnation of the Drikung Kagyu mahasiddha, Gar Drubchen, and an emanation of Nagarjuna, Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche was enthroned as a small boy at his predecessor’s monastery, Drong Gon Thubten Dargye Ling Monastery, in Nakchukha, Central Tibet where he resumed his role as Dharma Master to 500 monks.

Under the close supervision of the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa, Rinpoche enrolled in Rumtek Monastery at the age of 13 where he studied with great masters of both the Kagyu and Nyingma schools of Tibetan Buddhism. He earned the degree of Khenpo (Professor of Divinity) before the age of 20.

In 1974, Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche left Rumtek and joined his father and brother, Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche, in Nepal where together they established Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery. After the 16th Karmapa consecrated the newly-built monastery, he installed Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche as its young abbot.

In 1980, Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche and Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche embarked on a world tour of Europe, the United States, and Southeast Asia. Both were extremely well-received as they gave Dzogchen and Mahamudra teachings and empowerments to thousands of Buddhists.

Throughout his life, Rinpoche has devoted all his energy, skills and resources to teaching and preserving the Dharma. With a concise, lucid and humorous approach, he imparts the very core of the Buddhist teachings, revealing the natural simplicity of Enlightened Mind. He has been teaching for almost 35 years, and continues to travel widely in Europe, the Americas, Russia and Asia, addressing thousands of people on his retreats and lecture tours.

Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche is the founder of the Rangjung Yeshe Institute for Advanced Buddhist Studies in Kathmandu, and spiritual head of a world-wide network of “Dharma Houses” and “Gomde” Buddhist retreat centres. Moreover, he established Dharmachakra Publishers, who have produced numerous scholarly translations, as well Dharmasun which broadcasts online Buddhist study programs and his popular weekly Saturday Morning Talks. At the same time, he continues to supervise Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery and its affiliate monasteries and nunneries in Nepal.


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