
(91) Great Scope – General Bodhichitta – The Seven-Point Mind Training-Interchange of Self & Others 1


講者:益思法師(Ven. Yeshe Kandro)

益思法師生於香港,後移民紐西蘭,是護持大乘法脈聯合會(FPMT)導師喇嘛索巴仁波切(Lama Zopa Rinpoche)的弟子,跟隨上師學法近三十年。於2002年在印度色拉寺出家,曾在香港、紐西蘭、印度、加拿大各地作閉關修行。2011年受上師委派為馬來西亞珍寶覺心林(Rinchen Jangsem Ling, Malaysia)的導師,講授菩提道次第教法及「直涼三娘善心老人院講座」。出家前,法師於1990年由上師委任為紐西蘭之奧克蘭市Dorge Chang Institute主席,任期八年,為當地擴展了一個藏傳佛教中心。


1-2集 糾正動機(Set motivation properly)
3-8集 造者殊勝(The greatness of the authors)
9-11集 教授的殊勝(The greatness of the Dharma)
12-14集 聽法之理(The way to listen Dharma)
15-16集 說法之理(The way to teach Dharma)
17集 如何教授弟子之次第(Ways of guiding the student)
18集 第一加行法(The 1st preliminary)
19集 第二加行法(The 2nd preliminary)
20-23集 第三加行法(The 3rd preliminary)
24-26集 第四加行法(The 4th preliminary)
27集 宗喀巴上師相應法(The Guru Yoga of Lama Tsongkapa)
28集 第五加行法-敬禮(The 5th preliminary-Prostration)
29集 第五加行法-供養(The 5th preliminary-Making Offering)
30集 第五加行法-懺悔(The 5th preliminary-Confession)
31集 第五加行法-隨喜、轉法輪、請住世 (The 5thpreliminary-Rejoice,Turning Dharma Wheel,Requesting To Stay)
32集 第五加行法-迴向(The 5th preliminary-Dedication)
33集 第六加行法(The 6th preliminary)
34-35集 依止上師(The Benefits of Guru Devotion)
36集 依止上師-上師的德相(The Qualities of a Guru)
37集 依止上師-弟子的德相(The Qualities of a Disciple)
38集 依止上師九種心(The Nine Attitudes of Devotion to the Guru)
39-42集 意樂依止(Cultivating the Actual Faith of Devotion)
43集 加行依止法(Practices of Devotion)
44集 結行次第,座間修之理(How to Meditate,Observation on Break Between Sessions)
45-46集 座間修之理(Observation on Break Between Sessions)
47-49集 破除邪執(Overcoming the Wrong Perspective)
50-51集 於有暇身取心要(Recognizing the Optimum Human Rebirth)
52-54集 於道整體建立定解(The Fundamental of the Doctrine)
55-58集 共下士道: 此世不能久住而念死(Small Scope: Remembering Death)
59-61集 共下士道: 三惡趣苦(Small Scope: The Suffering of the Three Lower Realms)
62-65集 共下士道: 修淨皈依(Small Scope: Taking refuge in the Three Jewels)
66-72集 共下士道: 深信業果(Small Scope: Observing the Law of Cause and Effect)
73-75集 共中士道: 思惟輪迴苦(Medium Scope: The General Sufferings of Samsara)
76-84集 共中士道: 思維集諦輪迴流轉次第(Medium Scope: Contemplating the Source of Suffering and Path To Liberation)
85-86集 上士道: 發菩提心利益(Great Scope: The Benefits Of Generating)
87-90集 上士道: 修菩提心次第- 七重因果(Great Scope: Generating Bodhichitta- The Seven Fold Cause and Effect Instruction)
91-92集 上士道: 修心七義- 自他相換(Great Scope: The Seven-Point Mind Training- Interchange)
93-95集 上士道: 修心七義(Great Scope: The Seven-Point Mind Training)
96-101集 上士道: 行菩提心: 六度- 布施(Great Scope: The Six Perfections- Generosity)
102-103集 上士道: 行菩提心: 六度- 持戒(Great Scope: The Six Perfections- Discipline)
104-113集 上士道: 行菩提心: 六度- 忍辱(Great Scope: The Six Perfections- Patience)
114-121集 上士道: 行菩提心: 六度- 精進(Great Scope: The Six Perfections- Diligence)
122-129集 上士道: 行菩提心: 六度- 禪定(Great Scope: The Six Perfections- Meditation)
130-137集 上士道: 行菩提心: 六度- 智慧(Great Scope: The Six Perfections- Wisdom)
138集 上士道: 學不共金剛乘(Great Scope: How to Train in the Uncommon Path of Vajrayana)
139集 上士道: 學四攝(Great Scope: Four Ways of Gathering Disciples)
140-148集 上士道: 以儀軌修持發心(Great Scope: Developing Bodhichitta Through Taking Vows)
